A new friend I made has inspired me to do better lately. She motivates me to eat healthier, listen to new music, talk out my thoughts and feelings more. She also tells it like it is when I’m not doing my best at decision making.

All this to say, she’s inspired me to get out and spend time on my own. So, I’ve been trying to do that lately. I get in my car and go watch the sunset, and even started reading this book: “Single. On Purpose.” by John Kim— after reading the Daily Stoic page of the day.

My first sunset viewing spot was okay, but because I was going through something, I let a stranger show me to a much nicer viewing point nearby— probably the one time trusting a stranger actually worked out. Now I go watch the sunset at this particular spot almost every day. Continue reading my books while doing so, and just.. take it all in.

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I want to share that I did a lot of changes in my life, obviously nothings is a 100% great, yesterday one of my dogs passed away, I didn't spent a lot of time with him and I am nothing but sad, but I noticed that apart from that, I have been doing a lot of self care, taking long baths, practicing Taekwondo, doing a lot of exercise, eating more healthy, doing my homework, listening to audiobooks, and im so proud of myself, if anyone read this, just know that if u feel the wish for something new, go for it, try many things as u need, till you get it. 💞

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i miss those so much my heart is sad!!

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